SEAMLESS: A Model For Corporate and Startup Engagement

N. Hanumara & C Vaishnav
June 2020

Seamless explores a novel model for bringing startups and large enterprises together in the Midwest. Five years ago, the Seamless Consortium was formed as a means for enterprises to work together collaboratively to reduce the traditional barriers for engagement with early stage technology startups.

Today, located in the heart of Grand Rapids, Seamless has evolved into a unique platform comprised of enterprise members, representing non-competing industry verticals, that work together to explore forward-looking themes, ripe for innovation.

Seamless scouts and screens promising technology-based startups and, where a startup aligns with the interests of multiple members, Seamless works with a subset of their members to design, execute and evaluate a proof of concept (PoC) prototype. Seamless manages the engagement, with a lightweight legal framework and fast funding, and disseminates the learnings within the consortium.

Seamless presents a novel, flexible vehicle for corporate – startup interaction that is worth further growing in Grand Rapids as well as studying and adapting for other regions globally.

How have you changed your default approach?

Meredith SaloisDara ConnollyTim Noone, N. Hanumara
18 December 2020

In November 2020 at a Zoom meeting of Common Purpose Ireland we asked leaders from across Ireland to reflect on how COVID-19 was changing their organizations’ practices. From our discussion five positive trends were identified and some very important notes on mental health.

Read our mini-article in Decision Ireland.